Give Wang Chao A Warning


The scene fell into a deathly silence.

Inside the security department, all the security guards stared wide-eyed, dumbfoundedly looking at Li Mu and Wang Chao, completely stupefied.

Li Mu, the arrogant and overbearing young master, has always been proud and disdainful, with no regard for anyone, let alone these small security guards.

Now, this wealthy young man is holding Wang Chao's hand, warmly, friendly, and excited, as if he has met a good friend of many years.

This is simply unbelievable!

"Am I seeing things?"

"Is this really Li Mu? Why is he so friendly to Wang Chao?"

Everyone looked at each other in astonishment, hardly believing their own eyes.

Li Mu, who was once so arrogant, is now inviting Wang Chao to dinner at his place, and even calling him "brother"?

"Invite me to dinner?" Wang Chao was taken aback.