Brothers Reunite

In the room, many classmates gathered together in groups, chatting happily.

Wang Chao scanned the room but didn't see Pei Donghu and Song Henian. He furrowed his brows with concern.

"Why haven't these two guys come yet? Did something happen?"

He found a relatively quiet spot and sat down, took out his phone, and sent a message to Song Henian: "I'm here, where are you?"

About five minutes later, Song Henian replied: "On the subway, will be there soon."

"What about Pei Donghu? Is he with you?"

"He had something come up at home and won't be able to make it today."

"What happened?"

"It's not clear in WeChat, we'll talk about it when we meet later."


Wang Chao put down his phone and frowned slightly.

His intuition told him that Pei Donghu might be facing difficulties.