I Will Take You with Me

Wang Chao is a loyal person.

He would never abandon his brothers, let alone bear to see them living such miserable lives.

Seeing Pei Donghu in such a state, he immediately made up his mind to pull him out of this quagmire.

"You still know medical skills?" Song Henian was surprised.

What kind of undercover agent is Wang Chao?

He actually knows medical skills too?

"Wang Chao, we haven't seen each other for eight years. I appreciate your kindness for coming to see me," Pei Donghu said.

His legs had already been sentenced to death by the doctors, and there was no hope of recovery. He had already given up hope.

But Wang Chao's arrival brought a ray of light to his otherwise dark life.

In these years, he had been living a miserable life after offending Cui Hong's nephew, suffering from alienation and neglect from others.

For Pei Donghu, Wang Chao's visit was already something to be happy about.