Is This Zhao Family Village?

"Kill him?"

Upon hearing the words of the thug, the other thugs looked at each other, seeing the surprise and fear in each other's eyes.

"That's right, kill him, and then we can bring back Pei Donghuo. That way we can deceive the young master and ensure our safety," said the thug through gritted teeth.

"But we couldn't defeat him even with so many people. Are you sure we can kill him with someone else? If we fail to kill him and he retaliates against us, then we..." said one thug with an anxious expression.

The thug who threatened to kill Wang Chao fell silent immediately.

Yes, although they were not very powerful, if they all attacked at once, even a special forces soldier could be taken down.

However, Wang Chao easily defeated them all and even broke their hands, showing no mercy.

If the assassination was successful and Wang Chao was killed, it wouldn't be a big deal, they could just dispose of the body.