X-Ray Vision

Inside the auction house, it was packed with people.

Not only customers, but also many stall owners gathered here to watch.

Most of the people doing business here rely on jade and gemstones for a living. Nowadays, there are rumors of raw stones that can yield top-quality gemstones in the market, and everyone wants to come and broaden their horizons.

In the middle of the auction house, a grinding wheel-sized raw stone lay quietly there.

"Look at the texture and color of this stone, it's definitely a good one. It's sure to yield emerald jadeite," someone in the crowd said, looking at the stone with excitement.

Others, upon hearing this, also looked excited and felt like they were going to witness history.

Wang Chao stood among the crowd, staring at the raw stone.

At the same time, he circulated the inner energy in his body and condensed it in his eyes.

In an instant, his vision underwent a dramatic change.