Uncle, do you want a girlfriend?

"Haven't seen each other for so many years, I don't know what Yang Mi has become?"

"I couldn't see her clearly at the last classmate gathering, I don't know what she looks like without makeup."

As Wang Chao walked, he used his inner energy to expel alcohol from his body and kept carving protective talismans on the spirit stones. Meanwhile, he tried to recall Yang Mi's appearance in his mind.

He and Yang Mi used to be good friends and had eaten and hung out together before. But after Yang Mi moved away, they never met again. Now, after eight years and many experiences, Wang Chao had completely forgotten Yang Mi's appearance.

He couldn't remember what she looked like, except for seeing her briefly at the gathering last time. However, his attention was not on her at that time, as he had conflicts with Lu Haoran and confronted Duan Wuya. Moreover, Yang Mi had makeup on, so he didn't pay much attention to her appearance.