A Small Person Rising to Power

"Why are you here, Jing Shulan?" Yang Mi frowned.

"Who?" Wang Chao and Song Henian asked.

"The actress who took over my civil servant position," Yang Mi said in a low voice.

Wang Chao and Song Henian's faces darkened as they looked up.

Jing Shulan was indeed very beautiful, with snow-white skin and radiant beauty.

Her long, cascading black hair added to her charm.

Her figure was also curvy, with a prominent chest and a round butt. Her long legs were enough to make people drool.

An angelic face and a devilish figure.

These adjectives were fitting for her, as they captured her beauty perfectly.

However, there was something missing about her that left people feeling unsatisfied.

"This barbecue stall is a famous one in Canton city, of course, I came here because of its reputation," Jing Shulan said, wearing a branded dress and carrying the latest LV bag, exuding an aristocratic aura.