Immune to Poison

Chen Yong pleaded desperately with his head down.

At the same time, he clenched his fists and prayed in his heart, hoping that Wang Chao would refuse his request for a loan.

Just as Chen Yong was feeling anxious, Wang Chao put down the tea cup in his hand and said, "Give me your account number."

"What?" Chen Yong was taken aback.

"Don't you need money? Give me your account number and I'll wire the money to you," Wang Chao said.

Chen Yong trembled all over and said, "Brother Wang, do you really want to lend me the money? Don't you hate me?"

After all, he had previously laid hands on Wang Chao and even threatened him. Now, Wang Chao was actually willing to lend him such a large sum of money?

Wang Chao looked calm and said, "Hate you? Not really. You made a mistake before and I have taught you a lesson. Although you threatened me, you never laid hands on my family, it was just a small conflict."