Yang Ao

As the batons came crashing down, the air was filled with a boiling bloodlust.

This group of burly men with tattoos displayed immense strength, their muscles bulging with power.

The weapons, including knives, guns, swords, and clubs, relentlessly struck. If any of them landed a hit, Wang Chao would be severely injured, if not dead.

Lan Ruyu watched in horror as the menacing thugs charged towards them. She screamed, even instinctively closing her eyes.

In her eyes, this group of people working together would surely bring Wang Chao down, possibly even beating him to death.

After her scream, she subconsciously shut her eyes, unable to bear witnessing what would happen next.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

While Lan Ruyu had her eyes closed, she could only hear muffled sounds, as if something was hitting people.

Soon after, there was a loud crash as heavy objects fell to the ground.

And then, a series of agonized screams filled the air.