The Feeling of Betrayal

Upon hearing Wang Chao's words, cold sweat instantly streamed down Lv Long's face.

Having followed Han Shen and Cui Hong for a long time, he knew that tone meant Wang Chao had murderous intentions.

Thinking quickly, he stammered, "Mr. Wang, you, you misunderstand. We were just following orders. We came to intimidate you for the demolition, not to kill anyone."

"Intimidate? Intimidate with knives? And using knives to attack?" Wang Chao's gaze turned icy.

"It's a misunderstanding, all a misunderstanding. We really just wanted to scare you..." Lv Long hurriedly explained.


Before he could finish speaking, Wang Chao kicked him, sending him flying like a kite with a broken string. Lv Long crashed to the ground, coughing up blood, in excruciating pain.

"All of you, get out of here now!" Wang Chao rebuked.

In fact, he had already discerned the true identities of Lv Long and his men.