Wang Zuxian Wearing Yoga Pants Climbs a Mountain

Dragon Kingdom, at sea.

A full moon hung high in the sky, casting a silver-gray glow over the ocean.

Between the moon and the sea, a civilian helicopter flew from overseas towards Canton.

Inside the helicopter, a man shrouded in a black robe stared coldly at the computer in his hands.

On the computer screen was none other than Wang Chao's information.

The man in the black robe lit a cigar, closed the laptop, and said icily, "Even someone like him can't be dealt with. Cui Hong is truly useless!"

"If it weren't for the fact that you saved my face back then, I wouldn't even bother with you."

The pilot controlled the aircraft while asking, "Big Brother Black Robe, Cui Hong has been bossing you around in recent years. We can't tolerate that. The assassins of the Gate of Hell can't be commanded by just anyone."

"Regardless, Cui Hong saved my life."