Holding Back the Scream

Wang Zuxian was filled with terror, desperately reaching out to grab onto something.

However, as she fell, there was nothing to hold onto, and she tumbled down like a watermelon, continuously rolling.

"Be careful~~"

Wang Chao, with quick reflexes, rushed forward and caught Wang Zuxian.

Although Wang Zuxian had a tall and voluptuous figure, weighing 108 pounds, the impact of the fall was significant.

Nevertheless, Wang Chao was able to firmly hold her without budging an inch.

However, due to the sudden turn of events, their embrace ended up in a slightly awkward position.

Wang Zuxian's back was tightly pressed against Wang Chao's chest, and Wang Chao's hand, unintentionally, ended up in the wrong place.

For a moment, both of them froze in place, afraid to move.