Liu Yilin's Hidden Thoughts

Liu Yilin was initially extremely excited, but when he saw Zhao Yihuan, he was taken aback. And when he heard her words, he was even more surprised. "What did you say? Master isn't home?"

"Master has already moved out. Don't you know?" Zhao Yihuan was also taken aback.

"Master moved out? Where did he go?" Liu Yilin's expression changed dramatically.

"You don't know either?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yihuan looked extremely disappointed. "You don't even know that Master moved out. Yet you claim to be his disciple. You're just making empty boasts."

"Yihuan, you're completely wrong about this. Master said last night that he will officially accept me as his disciple!" Liu Yilin proudly said.

"You heard it personally?"

"No, my sister told me!"

"Are you sure your sister didn't deceive you? I mean, your talent is mediocre at best. Master probably doesn't even consider you. Your sister must be tricking you!"
