Divide and Conquer

"Are you serious?" Guan Zhilin stared directly into Wang Chao's eyes, her gaze serious.

"I am." Wang Chao nodded.

The reason he concealed the presence of the Dragon Team experts earlier was to avoid drawing their attention. The members of the Dragon Team were incredibly powerful, battle-hardened individuals with exceptional instincts and vigilance. If they were to focus on him, there was a high chance his identity would be exposed.

Therefore, he had no desire for recognition or attention. He preferred to let Guan Zhilin take credit while he remained a behind-the-scenes hero.

"But..." Guan Zhilin started to say.

"If you don't agree to my condition, then I won't take you there," Wang Chao interrupted.

Guan Zhilin's expression changed, and after struggling for a couple of seconds, she reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"It's a deal!"

Wang Chao lifted Guan Zhilin again and dashed towards the battlefield, swift as the wind.