Fierce Counterattack


Old Hu and Old Li were extremely rough as they held Guan Zhilin's hands and immediately started tearing her clothes into pieces.

"You killed so many of our brothers, bitch. Today, I'll let you experience the strength of my brothers!"


The two of them looked at Guan Zhilin's angelic face, feeling an intense attraction, and their actions became even more rough. They even took off their masks and kissed her.

Deng Taishan sneered, coldly watching.

However, at that moment, a sudden change occurred.

Just as Old Hu and Old Li leaned in for a kiss, an extraordinary power erupted from within Guan Zhilin.

She exerted force with both hands, breaking free from Old Li and Old Hu's grip. Using her uninjured foot, she fiercely kneed Old Hu between his legs.

Old Hu's expression contorted in pain.

Before he could even let out a scream, Guan Zhilin struck again, delivering a brutal elbow to his temple.