Li Family's Ingenious Plan Backfires

On the bathroom floor, Wang Chao found himself lying on top of Wang Zuxian.

Coincidentally, he fell in a position that happened to be right above her breasts.

Even more so, his head was nestled between Wang Zuxian's breasts.

For a moment, he froze, afraid to make any movements.

Wang Zuxian was initially about to hit her head on the ground, but at the critical moment, Wang Chao's hand caught her head, preventing it from getting injured.

However, her back took the full impact of the fall, causing a searing pain that made her gasp.

After the pain slightly subsided in a matter of seconds, she finally realized the situation and lowered her head to see Wang Chao lying on top of her.

In an instant, her face turned crimson, her heart raced, and it felt as if her heart was about to burst out of her chest.

This was utterly embarrassing!

But at the same time, she felt a warm sensation in her heart.