Shen Yizong Must Die

Shen Dongshan stood up and went to Shen Yizong's side, patting his shoulder and saying, "Yizong, this matter is not just my responsibility. Many high-ranking members of the Shen family are involved as well."

"The money I lent you, it was arranged by them through connections with the higher-ups in the banks."

"We are all in the same boat now."

"So even if you encounter a huge problem, we will protect you."

"But we also need to have the best response strategy. You must take these passports, green card, and money with you."

"Now, I will find you a place to hide and lay low for a while."

He handed everything on the table to Shen Yizong and his attitude became even more enthusiastic than before.

He even took out a bank card and put it into Shen Yizong's hand, saying, "There are three million in this card. Spend it as you wish during this period."