Desperation in Poverty?

The elderly lady stood arrogantly beside the car, looking at Wang Chao's house with her head held high and disdain in her eyes. "With such valuable jade, she still lives in this rundown place. I can't fathom what she's thinking."

This was Wang Chao's ancestral home in the old city district, located in a remote area with lots of garbage littering the sides of the road, emitting a foul smell.

Cockroaches scurried everywhere!

Occasionally, one or two rats would run through the alleys.

If it weren't for Li Han's Guanyin jade statue, even if she was given money, she wouldn't come to such a shabby place.

This environment is simply uninhabitable!

Li Hong stepped out of the driver's seat and retrieved some cheaply packaged but upscale-looking gifts from the trunk. He glanced at the surroundings, sneering, "They guard such expensive things but live in a place like this."

"People in desperate poverty have no understanding or taste!"