Relax, Dizziness is Normal

Wang Chao looked at Shen Bing's figure and couldn't help but feel emotional.

At the same time, he felt a little sorry for Shen Bing.

As a vulnerable woman who could hold a high position and maintain her status, she must have had some means to control the conspirators.

The difficulties she faced were definitely more than what Wang Chao imagined. However, she had been enduring it all, waiting for her father's return and trying to save her younger brother. She had been entangled in power struggles with various individuals.

To reach the position she was in today was already quite remarkable.

Wang Chao and Shen Bing went downstairs, and a dedicated driver helped them with their luggage and took them to the airport.

During the journey, Shen Bing kept looking out the window, her eyes changing constantly, and it was unclear what she was thinking.