Princess Karina Goes Missing

At this point, Zhou Xinghe became excited.

He admired the Lord of the Night and that's why he chose to join the mercenary group.

Later, he noticed that many people in the group paired up, but the Lord of the Night remained single. Zhou Xinghe had always wanted to help the Lord of the Night change his situation.

"Zhou Xingxing, you're just being ridiculous!"

"Six months ago, you kidnapped the Princess of Xionglu, and two months ago, you kidnapped the daughter of a global oil tycoon, and left them both in the boss's room!"

"You're making us mercenaries look like pimps, and the boss seems like a customer, almost ruining the reputation of our mercenary group!"

"I warn you, come back quickly and don't lay a hand on Princess Karina!!"

Upon hearing this, Po Jun on the other end of the phone became frantic, shouting in an attempt to stop Zhou Xinghe.