Shen Bing's Objective

Scarlett and Kristen are coming too?

Hearing this, Wang Chao furrowed his brows slightly.

These two women dared to love and hate, passionate like wild horses.

If they encountered someone they liked, they would give themselves wholeheartedly, with a passion that was overwhelming.

When Wang Chao was carrying out missions before, he saved the lives of both women.

During that time, he was like Ethan Hunt from "Mission: Impossible," going in and out of various dangerous situations. Each mission would bring him face to face with an extraordinary beauty.

After the mission was over, he would withdraw and disappear without a trace.

If he encountered Scarlett and Kristen on the Swan Cruise this time, it was very likely that these two women would passionately pursue him.

"I hope we don't meet them, otherwise, it's inevitable that there will be complications," Wang Chao sighed.