Face, You Lost It Yourself

Wang Chao and Zhao Tiansheng had no prior interaction and were meeting for the first time in their lives.

Nevertheless, regardless of the circumstances, Zhao Tiansheng was still a warrior-level expert, evident from his imposing aura shaped by brutal warfare and training.

Although he was in his middle age, there was still room for improvement.

However, for the sake of Zhao Chongyang's words, this iron-blooded expert was willing to go to such lengths, even if it meant rupturing his blood vessels and facing the imminent collapse of his meridians. He stood by Zhao Chongyang's side, upholding his reputation.

At this rate, within five minutes, Zhao Tiansheng's meridians would rupture, and his blood vessels would burst throughout his body, leading to his death.

In Wang Chao's view, this wasn't worth it!