Reversing the Situation

Zhao Shenbing maintained a proud and tough attitude as he coldly stared at Wang Chao.

Even though he knew it was highly likely that Zhao Chongyang had provoked the incident first, he still needed to find evidence.

When he sent people to investigate the evidence, he couldn't help but feel a sense of luck, thinking to himself, "Zhao Chongyang, you better make sure your hands are clean and don't give others any handle to grasp."

If the Zhao family didn't regain their face after Zhao Chongyang was beaten so badly on the Zhao family's ship, they would lose all credibility in the future.

However, if Zhao Chongyang had acted improperly and evidence of his actions was found, the losses for the Zhao family would be even greater.

They might even face a lawsuit from Shen Bing.