Killing the Great King Level


Everyone in the room was shocked!

All eyes were fixed on Zhao family patriarch and the two middle-aged men, filled with astonishment and disbelief.

No one could have imagined that the esteemed patriarch of the Zhao family in the prosperous city of Fuzhou would kneel before Wang Chao and address him as the Lord.

What was happening?

"Zhao Shenbing, what are you standing there for? Kneel down and pay respects to the Lord," the Zhao family patriarch turned around and glared at Zhao Shenbing.

Zhao Shenbing's eyes widened in shock and confusion. Reluctantly, he knelt before Wang Chao, feeling like a stormy sea of emotions was raging within him, unable to calm down for a long time.

The Zhao family patriarch was the backbone of the Zhao family, holding great power and authority. Even the Fuzhou War Department showed utmost respect when encountering him, addressing him as the patriarch.