My Man

Shen Bing and Kristin looked at the stunning woman in front of them, their mouths agape, filled with awe.

This woman was beautiful, exuding an exotic and aristocratic charm that surpassed both of them.

However, what shocked them was not her appearance and figure, but her identity.

"How... how is this possible? Princess Karina, why are you here?" Shen Bing trembled.

"Princess Karina, a distinguished guest from the Bear Kingdom!" Kristin was also stunned.

Both of them quickly scanned Princess Karina's surroundings and realized that there were no kidnappers or any signs of danger. This left them even more astonished.

Princess Karina had visited the Dragon Kingdom but mysteriously disappeared. And now, she appeared here without any warning, free from any captors. How could this be?

Wang Chao, seeing the woman, also frowned.

He understood what was going on.

This must be the work of Zhou Xinghe!