Card Switched


Shen Bing glared at Pei Buji, unable to contain her anger. "You bastard! I told you, if you have a problem, come at me! What's the meaning of shooting at others?"

The reason she stood up was to avoid implicating innocent people.

Unexpectedly, things had escalated to this point, and innocent individuals had still died because of her.

"President Shen, have you forgotten your situation?" Pei Buji smiled kindly and amicably. "Now, I am the master here. I can kill anyone I want. You have no right to interfere, nor do you have the authority to dictate my actions."

"For example, now, Yun Feihe, take action."

As soon as he spoke, Yun Feihe also picked up his gun and aimed it at a foreign man in the distance, pulling the trigger.

With a gunshot, the foreign man's forehead burst open in a spray of blood, falling into a pool of blood.

Yun Feihe grinned like a demon and said, "President Shen, are you satisfied with this result?"