Signal Flare

"False?" Wang Chao frowned.

From Zhao Shenbing's demeanor when he spoke just now, Wang Chao had already guessed the general idea.

Zhao Shenbing lit a cigarette, held it in his mouth, took a puff, and said in a low voice, "People are in a state of panic right now. If we don't calm them down first, the consequences will be unimaginable."

He exhaled a puff of smoke and then looked at Wang Chao with an almost pleading look, saying, "Mr. Wang, with your extraordinary abilities, you can definitely turn the tide. I beg you, help us."

Wang Chao: ( ̄ェ ̄;) 

He had the urge to slap Zhao Shenbing.

This was the Swan Cruise Ship commissioned by the Zhao family at a great cost, and it was the Zhao family who organized the gathering.

And now that something happened, the people from the Zhao family actually wanted him to clean up the mess!

What kind of reasoning was this?

How thick-skinned could Zhao Shenbing be?