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With a leap, he soared hundreds of meters into the air, causing the cruise ship to tremble from the force.

If such a powerful kick landed on a person, it would surely reduce them to a pile of shattered bones and flesh, completely annihilated.

"What Divine Slaughter Order? This was just a regular distress signal, and Brother Lv's actions were too ruthless," Zhou Xinghe lay on the ground, looking at Lv Yuntian, who was already on the warship, gritting his teeth and displeased, saying, "How dare he beat me and twist my ear? When I have the chance, I'll twist his daughter's ear too!"

Speaking caused pain in his wounds, making him grimace.

"Give it up, Zhou Xingxing. If you dare touch Brother Lv's daughter, do you believe that the next day you'll be bound and thrown into the sea?" A skilled member of the Night Mercenary Corps in uniform walked over, pulling Zhou Xinghe up from the ground and said, "Furthermore, Brother Lv actually cares about you."