Stay with Me Tonight

Upon hearing Scarlett's surprising revelation, Wang Chao felt the taste of the red wine in his mouth disappear. He stared at Scarlett, took a deep breath, and said, "Your daughter couldn't possibly be..."

"That's right, she's yours!" Scarlett said.


Her words were like a bolt from the blue, leaving Wang Chao dumbfounded. He dropped the wine glass in his hand, becoming even more bewildered.

Could it be?

They had only been intimate a few times, and now he had won the jackpot like this?

However, after a brief moment of shock, he regained his composure and spoke seriously, "Then we should get married..."

If the child was indeed his, it was his responsibility to support and provide a proper status for Scarlett.


Before he could finish his sentence, Scarlett burst into laughter. "Okay, stop making that face. Actually, I was joking."

"We were careful during our encounters, considering the safe period."