The Gambling Younger Brother

"Miss Zhang can't take care of a seriously ill patient alone. You're a doctor and a friend of Miss Zhang. Stay here and help out. As for the bodyguard work, let Miss Zhao handle it," Shen Bing said.

"Brother Wang, trust me, I'll be with you," Zhou Xinghe walked over and said.

"You should go and protect President Shen," Wang Chao said.

Having just returned to Canton City and already facing an attack, it was clear that someone wanted Shen Bing dead. If he wasn't there, Zhao Liying would be alone and completely unprepared for the role of a bodyguard.

But if Zhou Xinghe and Zhao Liying were together, then it wouldn't be a problem.

"Brother Wang..." Zhou Xinghe said with a hint of disappointment.

"You go and protect President Shen. After everything is settled, come to my house for dinner tonight," Wang Chao said.

Zhou Xinghe immediately brightened up upon hearing that and without a second thought, stood beside Shen Bing.