

The door of the hospital room closed, and the sound made Zhang Shan's heart tremble. He was completely bewildered, his eyes filled with despair.

He had initially thought that Wang Chao, being so powerful, would stand by his side and save his life. But he never expected that Wang Chao's way of handling things would be to throw him out. Wasn't that pushing him into the fire pit?

"Wang Chao, you bastard, I'll kill you!" Zhang Shan roared angrily, his heart filled with the desire to kill.

But before he could finish speaking, he received a slap from Huang Zixu, hitting him so hard that his head buzzed and his face burned with pain.

"Zhang Shan, you're quite something, borrowing our money and refusing to repay it, and now you want to run away. You even caused me to get hit. Tell me, how should we settle this account?" Huang Zixu said coldly.