A New Discovery

In the video, Shen Dongshan was walking on the road.

As Shen Dongshan watched the scene, his pupils contracted in shock and disbelief.

The video showed only him, and while others might not have noticed anything peculiar, he was acutely aware that the surroundings in the video were from his encounter with Yun Feihe.

He stared at Wang Chao, his expression filled with unease.

What was going on?

How did Wang Chao obtain a video of his secret meeting with Yun Feihe?

"Heh, you think you can defame President Shen with just a video? Wang Chao, I think you're..." Chen Yong spoke coldly.

"Chen Yong, shut your mouth!" Shen Dongshan reprimanded sharply.

He knew best what lay behind that video. If it continued to play, his meeting with Yun Feihe and the words he spoke to him might be revealed.

If Chen Yong spouted nonsense and allowed Wang Chao to play all the videos, the consequences would be unimaginable.