Come to My Room with Me

"Will President Shen also seek justice for our Yingying?"

"Is that true?"

Upon hearing Shen Bing's words, Li Han and Wang Anguo were overjoyed.

The Shen family was a prominent family in Canton City, and Shen Bing was the head of the Shen family. As long as she took action, there would be no problem that couldn't be solved.

"Absolutely!" Shen Bing nodded solemnly.

"That's great! Let's all sit down and have dinner," Li Han exclaimed happily, immediately inviting everyone to sit.

Wang Baozhu wiped away her tears and said, "I'll wash my face. You can start eating."

Afterward, she put down Huang Ying and hurried into the bathroom.

"Uncle, did I say something wrong?" Huang Ying asked.

"How could you? Yingying is the smartest and most well-behaved," Wang Chao replied, holding Huang Ying with a smile and a doting gaze. He continued, "Let me introduce you. This is a good friend of your uncle, Sister Shen Bing."