No Matter How Poor, Children Shouldn't Suffer

Chun Guang Kindergarten.

This kindergarten was only 3 kilometers away from the Wang family's villa. It had beautiful scenery, facing the river and backed by a wealthy villa and residential area. It could be considered an auspicious location.

This kindergarten was also the best within a twenty-kilometer radius. The teaching staff here was particularly strong, with every teacher having a master's degree and extensive teaching experience. They were also required to be proficient in three languages.

Many children from wealthy families were enrolled in this kindergarten to receive the best education.

However, the tuition fees here were particularly expensive.

The minimum tuition fee for one semester was at least 50,000 yuan, not including other miscellaneous expenses and various fees.

Some calculations showed that a three-year-old child studying here would spend at least 50,000 yuan per semester.