
"It's impossible! How can this be? It's absolutely impossible! How can you still be alive?" Shen Dongshan muttered, his face filled with disbelief.

Shen Deng was even more astonished. "Ghost, it's a ghost!"

"What is going on? Wasn't he dead?"

"Am I seeing things? Did the dead come back to life?"

The remaining shareholders were also in shock, their faces displaying astonishment. Some of the more timid individuals jumped up and huddled in the corners, their eyes filled with fear as they stared at Wang Chao.

Among them, Zhang Long remained calm, nodding calmly at Wang Chao.

Shen Bing and Liu Yifei, however, glared at Wang Chao with annoyance.

Ignoring the others, Wang Chao walked forward and stood before Shen Tianhuan, calmly saying, "Old Master, it's unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances for the first time."