The Deicide Gu?

Upon hearing Wang Chao's words, Zhang Long's expression brightened. He took a sip of tea, furrowed his brows, and tried hard to recall the events surrounding his sister-in-law's illness.

After careful recollection for about five minutes, he slapped his thigh and said in a deep voice, "I remember now. My sister-in-law contracted the illness a while after returning from a trip."

"Where did they travel to?"

"It was so long ago. Let me think."

Zhang Long pondered for a moment, then his eyes widened, and he suddenly stood up, his expression filled with astonishment. He muttered to himself, "No, it can't be."

"Did you remember something?" Wang Chao asked.

Zhang Long's expression became unusually serious as he looked at Wang Chao and said, "The place my elder brother and sister-in-law traveled to was the territory of the Miao ethnic group."

"If we go by what you said, Shen Feng's coma might be caused by an invisible creature inside his brain."