Is This Your Chicken?

Wang Chao was extremely curious!

The idea of a chicken playing basketball seemed incredibly bizarre no matter how he looked at it, and it piqued his curiosity to the fullest.

He really wanted to see how the chicken played basketball.

Looking at Wang Chao's curious expression, Guan Zhilin couldn't help but ask, "Brother Wang, don't you watch videos or entertainment news usually?"

"Entertainment news? Why would I be interested in that?" Wang Chao replied calmly.

"Huh? Aren't you interested in those things?" Guan Zhilin asked.

"Entertainment is one of the methods used by those in power to numb the common people and subordinates. Massively promoting entertainment news and celebrities is meant to discourage the younger generation, making it easier to control them," Wang Chao explained in a casual tone.