Propose to Shen Bing?


At this moment, another series of earth-shattering explosions echoed, shaking the ground. Even the small stones on the street began to tremble.

At the end of the road, bursts of killing intent surged into the sky, tearing through the heavens, intimidating all directions as they swept towards their location.

Over a hundred tanks appeared at the end of the road, marching forward in a mighty formation like ferocious steel beasts.

Behind the rows of tanks were tens of thousands of fully armed soldiers.

Every one of them exuded an aura of iron and blood, their eyes sharp like lightning, and their killing intent soaring to the heavens.

Clearly, they had just returned from the battlefield, with a few individuals still stained with the blood of their enemies, showing traces of battle.

This group of people surged forward like an iron tide, shaking the earth wherever they went.

The glass on the sides of the road cracked.