A Better Choice

Although Zhou Xinghe's voice was not loud, it resounded clearly in the ears of all the silver-armored warriors.

The silver-armored warriors watched Sheng Anhe's limping figure with incredibly ugly expressions.

As their commander, Sheng Anhe disregarded the safety of his subordinates and fled on his own in the face of a formidable enemy. This was an act that Sheng Anhe was capable of!

It was an insult to the Silver Armor Corps!

"Hahaha, what kind of bullshit commander is this?"

"This kind of spoiled brat should never have appeared on the battlefield, let alone become the commander of your Silver Armor warriors. It's truly embarrassing!"

Old Two, Old Three, Old Four, and Old Five laughed heartily as they watched Sheng Anhe's fleeing figure.

At that moment, they felt a sense of relief, as if they had released a great deal of pent-up anger.