Turning Hostile

Xiao Zhen, Meng Chang, and the others became cold when they saw Wang Chao remaining so composed. 

This was their territory, and Wang Chao was already a prisoner.

Yet Wang Chao, inside the prison, was still calm and collected, even giving them orders. They felt as if they were being treated with contempt.

Meng Chang tore off his facade and coldly said, "Wang Chao, we gave you face outside, but now that you're in our territory, you're nothing more than a prisoner!"

"Right now, you don't have the qualifications to speak to us as equals."

"Behave yourself and wait here for our interrogation!"

At this moment, Meng Chang's attitude had changed from being subservient and fearful to being overbearing and domineering, loudly berating Wang Chao.

Wang Chao looked at him and chuckled.

Was this guy so impatient?

He just got locked up, and his attitude changed?