Meng Chang's Suicide

"Let me out!"

"Big brother, if you release me, I'll give you money, 30 million!"

"You're only offering 30 million? Trash! How can you have the audacity to offer such a paltry sum? Big brother, release me, and I'll give you one billion!"

"I'll give you three billion!"

"Don't get hung up on that. Whether we get out or not doesn't matter. What's most important is to kill Meng Chang, that bastard!"

"That's right! Meng Chang always abuses his power and uses us as punching bags to vent his frustrations."

"Big brother!!!"

The imprisoned criminals were in a frenzy.

They all cheered and shouted, excited beyond measure, calling Wang Chao "big brother." They wanted to witness Meng Chang's death at Wang Chao's hands and, even more so, wanted Wang Chao to help them escape.

For a moment, the prison was like a bustling marketplace.

"This is not good; the prison is about to descend into chaos."