The Raging Wave Eighteen Blades

"Yan Feipeng?"

Shen Bing's expression changed abruptly upon seeing him. "How did you end up here?"

Hadn't Yan Feipeng already left with Yan Guoqiang?

Why did he suddenly appear in front of her?

"I couldn't bear to be without you, so I came back to find you," Yan Feipeng said with a grim gaze. He stood at the elevator door, preventing it from closing, and stared coldly at Shen Bing.

His gaze was like that of a big gray wolf fixated on its prey, unabashedly and nakedly filled with violation.

Being stared at by him, Shen Bing felt her scalp tingling.

She forced herself to remain calm and spoke in a deep voice, "Yan Feipeng, what do you want?"

Yan Feipeng looked at Shen Bing's breathtakingly beautiful face, feeling even more displeased.

A beauty of her caliber should have followed someone like him, a scion of a prestigious family. But instead, Shen Bing chose to be with Wang Chao, a mere security guard. What was that about?