You're Not Gay, Are You?

"What?" Wang Chao was taken aback.

What did Shi Shi mean by asking that?

Was she trying to set him up with Yang Mi?

"Don't pretend. Mi Mi is so beautiful, with a stunning figure. She's so good to you, and besides, you were classmates in middle school. Haven't you ever been attracted to Mi Mi?" Shi Shi looked curiously at Wang Chao.

Everyone has a sense of beauty.

To be honest, Shi Shi had known Yang Mi for a long time and understood her very well. Even as a woman, she herself would sometimes be moved by Yang Mi.

After all, she was truly a stunning beauty!

But when faced with Yang Mi, Wang Chao didn't feel anything?

That was quite unusual!

"Just because we were classmates doesn't mean I have to be attracted to her," Wang Chao said calmly.

He had seen countless beauties, not to mention tens of thousands, but at least several thousand. With his experience with countless women, he had already developed a strong heart.