There's a Mosquito

"What do you mean by showing him a more ruthless side? Bai Yang, what are you trying to do? Don't go too far, or when Tang Captain loses face, we'll suffer too," Yang Yue said in a deep voice.

"Hehehe!" Bai Yang chuckled on the other end of the phone and said, "Yang Senior Sister, don't worry. I know exactly what I'm doing."

"I was late for so long, and Wang Chao didn't get angry. So I'll show him an even more ruthless side by not attending the training today!"

"That's it for now. I'm going back to sleep. Goodbye."

After speaking, Bai Yang hung up the phone directly.

Not coming?

Is that considered showing a more ruthless side?

After ending the call, Yang Yue furrowed her brows slightly. She felt that Bai Yang's actions were not very reliable. But then again, Bai Yang was definitely capable of doing such things.