Gathering Information

The sharp war knife left a red mark on Tang Zelong's chest, but there was no actual injury. The imposter Tang Zelong merely had a red line on his skin, without even breaking it.

"I know now, you're the fake one!" Bai Yang's eyes lit up, and he quickly retreated, creating distance between himself and the imposter Tang Zelong, coldly staring at him.

The imposter Tang Zelong chuckled, looking at the red mark on his chest, and said to Bai Yang, "How did you figure it out?"

Bai Yang sneered and replied, "I often wander around the weapon department, and even I don't know what's on the third shelf. How could the captain possibly know?"

"You deliberately used such information to deceive us, hoping to confuse us and use us for your own purposes!"

"I'm right, Yaksha."

As Bai Yang spoke, Yang Yue had already drawn her bow and shot three arrows at Yaksha in quick succession.