Taking the Initiative

Kelly stared at Wang Chao, scrutinizing him up and down with a puzzled and wary look. She felt extremely concerned.

How was this possible?

She had maintained a highly alert state while playing with her phone just now. How could Wang Chao approach her from behind without her noticing?

"This is Miss Kelly, I'm Wang Chao, a customer from the first-class business cabin. I came to have a chat with you. Is that convenient?" Wang Chao smiled at Kelly.

Though he had been resting with his eyes closed, he felt that waiting for the criminals to act in secret was too passive. Therefore, he took the initiative to approach Kelly, hoping to gather some information from her and preemptively prevent any potential disasters, ensuring the safety of Liu Yifei and Shen Bing.

After all, they were thousands of meters up in the sky. If criminals suddenly went berserk and damaged the plane, they would have no way out!