Remarkable Flexibility

Wang Chao licked the blood on his cracked lips, finding the taste a bit strange. He hadn't expected it to be poison. Kelly had applied the poison on her lips and transmitted it to him through their kiss.

Kelly grinned maliciously, "This poison acts quickly. It only takes five minutes to spread throughout your body and stop your heart from beating."

"Wang Chao, blame yourself for meddling and trying to stop our plan."

Wang Chao wiped the blood from his lips and smiled wryly, "I thought it was something else. Turns out it's just poison, no big deal."

He let Kelly go and asked with curiosity, "You applied the poison to your lips, won't you get poisoned too?"

Kelly lay on the ground, looking even more triumphant, "Since I knew it was poison, I took the antidote in advance."