Wang Chao Performs Surgery

The doctors and medical staff were furious upon hearing Wang Chao's claim that the patient still had a chance. They felt insulted by his words. Conny Clark, the doctor who previously tried to dismiss Wang Chao, was particularly angry. He sternly said, "Sir, please refrain from making baseless statements! Furthermore, I must ask you to leave this hospital immediately!"

Despite the doctors' disbelief, Wang Chao remained composed. He glanced at Conny Clark's name tag and replied seriously, "Conny Clark, right? Dr. Conny, the patient still has a breath left in her. With dedicated efforts, there is still a glimmer of hope for her survival."

Upon hearing this, the man desperately grasped at the last straw of hope. He rushed over, grabbed Wang Chao, and pleaded, "Sir, I beg you, please save my girlfriend. We can pay any amount you want."

"Don't listen to him, he's just spouting nonsense. The patient is already..." Conny started to retort.