Malicious Accusation

"That's right, it's murder!"

The interrogating police officer, John, stared at Wang Chao coldly. His voice was even icier, "We've watched the surveillance footage, and it was you who knocked these people unconscious."

"Besides the three who exploded, two others have died not long ago."

"They obviously died under your hands!"

"Now, what do you have to say for yourself?"

John was Sheriff George's right-hand man, and after receiving George's orders, he knew exactly what to do. Now that Wang Chao was locked up in the interrogation room, he felt like a fish on a chopping board.

Giving Wang Chao a false accusation would be an effortless task.

"Death? Impossible. I was very careful with my actions, and there should have been no casualties," Wang Chao replied calmly.

He had only used pressure points on the masked men, squeezed the throat of one of them, and used his "Soul Seizing" technique on them.