Second-Level Police Supervisor, Ockham

George puffed on his cigar, watching his men make their move with a vicious grin. These police officers were his capable assistants, and they had often engaged in bullying and harassment. Dealing with criminals was their specialty, and they were confident they could defeat Wang Chao easily.

However, Wang Chao remained calm and didn't even try to evade the attacks.

As the attacks were about to hit Wang Chao, the door was suddenly kicked open, and a voice roared, "Stop!"

The police officers who were about to attack Wang Chao heard the voice and immediately stopped, looking stunned at the person who had just entered.

They all recognized the voice!

George turned to look and almost dropped his cigar when he saw who was standing at the door of the interrogation room. He stammered, "Supervisor, how, how did you come here?"